English with Rachel


The topic for the next class will be about ´stress´. So I would like you write a 200 word essay about this topic, how it manifests itself and ways of reducing it.

Here is some vocabulary and a listening to help you:

The writing exercise

Every day we are confronted with a series of feelings and thoughts that lead to an unbalanced state of mind, which consequently leads to what is known as stress. Stress is a mental and physical state that leads to a nervous breakdown and eventually to physical damage (hypertension, organ damage, etc.).

That said, there is a good kind of stress, because it is in fact a natural response to a dangerous situation, a situation in which a living being has to react quickly to cope with an immediate danger and avoid it. But in our societies we tend to react to social situations, work situations, etc., as if it were a matter of survival, of real and immediate danger. This can lead to a stressful state of mind.

And what can we do to avoid stress or stressful situations? If these situations are self-imposed or "invented", made up by our mind, we should try to become observers of the situation we are experiencing at that very moment. This is, in my opinion, a valid starting point to avoid an agitated and escalating state of mind. 

Here are some tips:

- Take things as they come, don't expect too much
- Try to do what you really like; live your life (no matter what others say...)
- Avoid thinking all the time about what people think of you or what you do. Don't judge yourself or others, at least not all the time
- Walk alone or in good company as much as you can; natural places are the best for your walks
- Breath, relax and meditate if you can, just for the pleasure of doing these activities
- Sleep and eat healthy and well. Mind and body go hand in hand...
- Live your life as simply as possible. Do not worry too much
- Try to improve yourself every day, but be easy with yourself and others failures
- Take seriously that your life and others lives are important, and that we are not in this world "forever"
- Enjoy life as much as you can, and try if possible to help others

Some more resources about stress: